FareHarbor News

FareHarbor named a best place to work by Built In for third consecutive year

From supporting operators across the globe to our inspiring workplace culture — learn first-hand why the 'Ohana loves working at FareHarbor!

a man and a woman sitting at a table

The news is out — FareHarbor has been named one of Built In’s Best Places to Work  in BOTH Denver and Boston! For the third year in a row, we are so thrilled to receive this honor.

Our #1 goal is to create an inclusive, nurturing culture that allows each employee across the globe to thrive in their position and bolster their personal development. Below we have a few testimonials from our ‘Ohana so you can see what it’s really like to work at FareHarbor. 

If you’re looking for a new adventure in 2024, take a look at our open positions as well as our unparalleled benefits. 

Rebekah Costley | Enterprise Account Manager, Denver 

a person wearing a blue shirt

“What’s incredible about FareHarbor is that no matter what team you’re on, you are making a positive, direct impact on our clients’ businesses. These clients have poured their hearts into their businesses and we get to help them reap the benefits of their hard work and passion. For account management in particular, I get to be the “swiss-army-knife” of the client’s growth in sales both online and with FareHarbor! It’s a truly rewarding gig, in a truly special work culture.” 

Berna Osso | Account Executive, Needham

a woman posing for a picture

“I recently attended my first conference with FareHarbor! It was so inspiring and motivating to meet clients in person, all of whom are very happy with our product and our service. I felt very proud and honored to represent our company and look forward to the opportunity to do so again!”

Zoli Molnár | Learning and Development Manager (Interim), Amsterdam

a man standing in front of a mountain

“Since day one, working at FareHarbor has been a rewarding experience.We’re encouraged to challenge the status quo and try out new ideas, while feeling supported to learn from mistakes. I’ve been able to build some genuine connections as well. It’s this balance of professional growth and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere that makes it worthwhile to work here.”

Bryn Abshire | Manager of Client Engagement, Denver

a woman wearing a dress

“As a member of the Client Engagement team at FareHarbor, I have had the great opportunity to work with nearly every other department and region within the company. After four and a half years, I can truly say that I am proud to work for a company that puts its clients first and remains flexible and adaptable to change — when it comes to providing incredible service to our tour operator clients and to maintaining a high performing and enjoyable work environment. Plus, our industry is amazing, we are the best part of travel and who doesn’t love that!”

We want to thank Built In for naming FareHarbor on this year’s Best Places to Work list. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2024!

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