FareHarbor News
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The FareHarbor Distribution Network is coming to Australia and New Zealand!

Discover the many advantages of joining our exceptional affiliate program.

a pool next to a body of water

For several years, the FareHarbor Distribution Network (FHDN) has been growing and thriving in the US and Europe markets. That is why we are thrilled to announce that our affiliate program is now coming to Australia and New Zealand!

Discover more about the FHDN and the program’s benefits below. We can’t wait to have you on board!

What is the FHDN?

a man and a woman standing in front of a sunset

The FHDN is FareHarbor’s affiliate program, simplifying affiliate relationships through discovery, contract automation, and commission management. 

By participating, you can promote and distribute activities across online platforms such as TourScanner, travel blogs like Hawaii Vacation Guide (read more about their experience on the FHDN here), influencers, hotels, airlines, and OTAs worldwide like Ctrip, Klook and Backpacker Deals by Travelloall without having to negotiate and manage your own contracts.

Perks of joining the FHDN

The FHDN offers many opportunities to boost your revenue, while not adding extra work to your plate. Here are a few advantages of joining our affiliate program.

“The FHDN has been a fantastic part of matching our guests with local tour operators. The FHDN team is easy to work with, responds quickly, and helps in running our tourism business with ease!”  – Michaela Miller, Caribbean Concierge

Get more bookings

Reach new customers who wouldn’t land on your website organically. Our partners will distribute your tours to a wider audience, including in-destination travelers and last-minute bookers.

Increase your repeat customers

Bookings from the FHDN will appear as regular online bookings in your FareHarbor Dashboard which gives you their customer contact information for future marketing. 

All bookings flow seamlessly through FareHarbor 

All bookings will flow through FareHarbor and into the availabilities that you set, no matter what type of affiliate is booking. 

Bookings made through affiliate links are just like online bookings made on your websites. When you receive bookings from our larger OTA partners, you will receive payment after the activity date.

Get paid quickly 

Spend more time focusing on your business! All invoicing and secure payments are automated by FareHarbor, directly in your FareHarbor Dashboard.

We handle all contracts 

No more contract headaches! With one single agreement, your inventory will be made available to a wide range of affiliates.


Bonus! Earn extra commission by becoming an FHDN Affiliate!

Easily connect with over 30,000 tours and activities worldwide by becoming an affiliate on the FHDN. Here’s a few ways to effortlessly bring in more money.

Simply add affiliate booking links to: 

  • Confirmation and reminder emails: Include “Other Activities” buttons in your confirmation and reminder emails to customers to entice your customers to book one of your partners’ tours on the spot.
  • Your website: Add a “More Things to Do” page on your website that highlights complimentary, local experiences that your customers might enjoy.
  • Your blog: Writing blog articles to improve your SEO and make your website more visible? Add FHDN booking buttons that are visible and related to what you are writing about.

Rest easy knowing that any booking made through your book buttons or referral links will automatically be accredited to your business so that you can earn commission.

At FareHarbor, our number one goal is to help our clients optimize their businesses and find success. From online tour agencies (OTAs) to affiliates around the world, FareHarbor helps you sell your experiences in a variety of places, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

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